Setting is Worm. Powers are inspired by Fusionfall, but not a 1:1 analogue. A girl you might know gains powers that may feel familiar.
Currently ongoing.
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 01:30 PM
Hmm... you'll do.
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 01:31 PM
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 01:32 PM
oh boy
hi taylor, uh. hope you arent in any currently perilous conditions
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 01:37 PM
Not right now.
Who are you? Both of you?
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 01:38 PM
well, if i had to guess, fusion-drive is what's enabling our current communication, and it comes with some pretty heavy implications as to what your powers could do in their upper echelons. as for who i am, you won't believe me, but someone from an alternate future earth
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 01:40 PM
An alternate Earth could make sense. But an alternate future Earth?
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 01:40 PM
as i said, your power's got some pretty heavy implications. its 2021 over here
An alternate Earth could make sense. But an alternate future Earth?
randomhuman4406-Mar-21 01:41 PM
How about an alternate current Earth that happens to have advanced just a teensy bit faster than yours, and where the current calendar year as we measure it is 2021?
How about an alternate current Earth that happens to have advanced just a teensy bit faster than yours, and where the current calendar year as we measure it is 2021?
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 01:42 PM
...thats a good point actually. did not consider it that way
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 01:42 PM
That could make more sense. A difference of just a second a year could have a huge difference if you're counting from the start of the universe.
Are there people on your world who also exist on Earth Bet?
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 01:43 PM
probably? we dont have like, big name capes or anything, but Arnold Schwarzenegger is a thing, other celebs and such
frankly guys in tights strolling down streets shootin lasers is somethin more for your world than ours lol
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 01:44 PM
You don't have capes? At all?
randomhuman4406-Mar-21 01:45 PM
not at all
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 01:45 PM
Also, how old is your world's Arnold Schwarzenegger? He's 73 here.
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 01:45 PM
i mean, we might? friends joke im a thinker, and we know about your world cause of a guy named wildbow
73 too, huh.
anywhomstdve, yeah, if we have capes, its not really the provable sort
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 01:47 PM
I see.
What about you, 'Fusion-Drive'?
randomhuman4406-Mar-21 01:47 PM
wait how is arnold schwarzenagger delayed like 10 years in our world without messing up timelines
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 01:47 PM
That's what I'm wondering.
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 01:48 PM
could be he just got born later over here
randomhuman4406-Mar-21 01:49 PM
I mean sure, but you'd think that the differences would mean that he doesn't happen to get famous twice when the circumstances are different?
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 01:49 PM
I am the consciousness within all the unused fusion matter in all world. Currently, there is very little of it, and therefore, very little of me.
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 01:50 PM
where is that mass of fusion matter, fusion-drive?
randomhuman4406-Mar-21 01:50 PM
Are you still trying to assimilate planets and such
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 01:51 PM
Fusion matter is capable of mimicking the form of anything it has sufficient data for.
Assimilating planets is not currently one of the current Monarch's goals.
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 01:52 PM
congratulations, taylor, i think you're the queen of an alien lifeform
randomhuman4406-Mar-21 01:52 PM
Is Taylor the current Monarch?
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 01:52 PM
You, Taylor, have been chosen as my new Queen. You, Discord-Kin, have been chosen as my data-gathering and analysis system.
Malaki06-Mar-21 01:52 PM
Huh, must've been a change up in the heigharchy, neat
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 01:52 PM
oh boy. internet is doing data analysis. this is gonna be fun[ny]
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 01:53 PM
Why me?
Malaki06-Mar-21 01:53 PM
...well in many universes u are the Host of another Monarch
randomhuman4406-Mar-21 01:53 PM
What constitutes data gathering and analysis, and how much data is 'sufficient' for the purposes of mimicking a form?
Why me?
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 01:54 PM
why not you? you seem able to grow into the role, could probably fit it well enough, got a very focused mindset
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 01:55 PM
You have a significant amount of potential. Other alternatives were assessed, and I decided on you.
he actually gets the thinker jokes the most when he predicts what someone is about to say nearly word-by-word
this is pretty mild
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 01:56 PM
Malaki06-Mar-21 01:56 PM
Very mild honestly
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 01:57 PM
Fusion matter is capable of mimicking people and items, even those from worlds considered 'fictional'. I, however, have limited data on different works of fiction. Your job is to gather data on items and characters of use and analyse how much fusion matter would be required to make it stable. More powerful things require more fusion matter.
Reply to: What constitutes data gathering and analysis, and how much data is 'sufficient' for the purposes of β¦
Pika06-Mar-21 01:58 PM
(In meta terms: Pick an item or character from any work of fiction, explain them to me well enough that I can write it in, then figure out a reasonable price in fusion matter.)
(So basically, I'm offloading all the hard work to you guys.)
Malaki06-Mar-21 01:59 PM
Fusion matter is capable of mimicking people and items, even those from worlds considered 'fictional'. I, however, have limited data on different works of fiction. Your job is to gather data on items and characters of use and analyse how much fusion matter would be required to make it stable. More powerful things require more fusion matter.
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 01:59 PM
if i recall rightly, parts from random things, like filing cabinets, chunks of road, solar arrays, etc. can be used to help create some more basic constructs with fusion matter, yea? such as fusion spawn, shocktanglers, newsprint ninjas, etc
Malaki06-Mar-21 01:59 PM
Gunna want to start simple then i guess
randomhuman4406-Mar-21 02:00 PM
(Can we choose items that are only useful in mass amounts, or are more variable than a singular item or character? Various nanites, for example)
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 02:00 PM
The majority of my data was lost, I'm afraid. This would require further research.
Terrafusers are something I retain data on. The terrafuser in Her Majesty's basement is the current only source of fusion matter.
Malaki06-Mar-21 02:02 PM
Go to ur basement
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 02:02 PM
There's a giant glowing fungus broccoli in here! What the fuck?
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 02:03 PM
that would be the terrafuser
question: is fusion matter harmful to taylor? i know it can be corrosive
Malaki06-Mar-21 02:03 PM
...need a cloaking thingy for it
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 02:04 PM
Her Majesty cannot be harmed by fusion matter.
Malaki06-Mar-21 02:04 PM
Maybe active cammo for it?
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 02:04 PM
just had to ask, ty
randomhuman4406-Mar-21 02:04 PM
Unfortunately, it's so clearly 'biotinker looking' that trying to make more is probably not a very good idea
Can other people be harmed by fusion matter?
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 02:04 PM
The terrafuser currently contains 25.0 standard units of fusion matter, and generates 1.0 units a day, though that may vary depending on Her Majesty's mental state.
Reply to: that isn't good
Can the Terrafuser redeploy into a more mobile form?
Malaki06-Mar-21 02:06 PM
Maybe we can...hmm hey could we stealthily infuse him with something like rad away but designed for fusion matter
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 02:06 PM
It's nearly as high as the ceiling.
Limina Idling | Hours
piling some junk around it, plus mimicking octopus camouflage via fusion matter, ought to help
randomhuman4406-Mar-21 02:07 PM
how does this help with stopping the person upstairs from being harmed by it tho
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 02:07 PM
we're overthinking this, probably - can taylor flag people to be immune to the harmful effects of fusion matter?
Malaki06-Mar-21 02:07 PM this a direct contact thing? That makes it harmful?
how does this help with stopping the person upstairs from being harmed by it tho
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 02:07 PM
keeps them from grabbing the thing itself
Malaki this a direct contact thing? That makes it harmful?
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 02:07 PM
from what i know, yeah, its corrosive
Malaki this a direct contact thing? That makes it harmful?
randomhuman4406-Mar-21 02:08 PM
from the looks on the wiki, the terrafuser just kinda spews out atmospheric gas stuff too, making surroundings hostile
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 02:08 PM
well, the gas seems less harmful, so
Malaki06-Mar-21 02:08 PM
Just dont have him touch it and make a super good air filter
Limina Idling | Hours
we're overthinking this, probably - can taylor flag people to be immune to the harmful effects of fusion matter?
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 02:08 PM
but seriously, this
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 02:09 PM
There are two known ways of accomplishing this, though more may be discovered through trial and error. Her Majesty may elect a Royal Court, who, among other things, become immune to fusion matter poisoning. She may also induct an outsider into Her domain as a thrall, which renders them immune to fusion matter poisoning out of necessity.
Reply to: we're overthinking this, probably - can taylor flag people to be immune to the harmful effects of fuβ¦
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 02:10 PM
can you define what entails a royal court and a thrall
Malaki06-Mar-21 02:10 PM
Both sound really bad
Like physical mutation kinda bad
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 02:10 PM
no need to make assumptions like that, itll just stress taylor out
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 02:11 PM
Members of Her Majesty's Court gain boons similar to the ones Her Majesty has, if somewhat weaker. Thralls are bound to Her Majesty's will, and though they have minimal mutations by default, they may be given additional mutations.
randomhuman4406-Mar-21 02:12 PM
What boons does Taylor have, other than Fusion matter immunity?
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 02:14 PM
The ability to communicate through this channel. Increased physical ability - approximately peak human. Self-resurrection. The ability to shape and command fusion matter.
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 02:14 PM
how does the self-resurrection work?
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 02:16 PM
If Her Majesty or a member of Her Court were to perish, their soul would be sent to a terrafuser of choice and have a new body constructed when enough fusion matter is available - 1.0 standard units.
randomhuman4406-Mar-21 02:17 PM
this honestly sounds like a very good thing.
How does Taylor induct someone into her court?
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 02:19 PM
Her Majesty must simply ask me to do so, and I will connect with them. However, the process to remove someone from Her Court requires bringing them to a terrafuser and keeping them in place for 1 minute.
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 02:19 PM
ok, so preferably if we have to do that they'd be unconscious
randomhuman4406-Mar-21 02:19 PM
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 02:20 PM
proximity to large source of fusion matter being administrated by fusion-drive, id assume ?
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 02:20 PM
It would require either cooperation, unconsciousness, or restraints.
The exiled court-member would lose their boons over the course of 24 hours, so they would need to be removed from proximity of any fusion matter if Her Majesty wanted them to live.
Malaki06-Mar-21 02:21 PM
Huh...welp time to make some roofies then
Oh wait no i got lost in the convo nvm
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 02:22 PM
Sufficient data on 'roofies' exists in my data banks. Please propose a price per quantity.
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 02:22 PM
let's not, actually
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 02:23 PM
No! I'm not roofieing anyone!
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 02:23 PM
before we forget the original purpose of this line of questioning: is fusion matter gas harmless?
Malaki06-Mar-21 02:23 PM
We need a really good filter if it is
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 02:23 PM
No fusion matter gas is currently being produced. Begin production? This will not cost any fusion matter.
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 02:23 PM
let's not
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 02:24 PM
randomhuman4406-Mar-21 02:24 PM
No thank you
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 02:24 PM
What do I do with any of this
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 02:24 PM
what you do is sit down and think of a way to hide it, first
Malaki06-Mar-21 02:24 PM
Anyways, im thinking ODST armor from Halo, minus the brain implant of course
Reply to: what you do is sit down and think of a way to hide it, first
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 02:25 PM
and take a good amount of deep breaths to steady yourself
Malaki06-Mar-21 02:25 PM
Oh wait yeah...we need cloaking measures
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 02:25 PM
how often does your dad come down there?
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 02:26 PM
I think the green light shining up from the basement hatch will give it away pretty quickly.
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 02:26 PM
how much fusion matter would a brickwork facade cost? that ought to help with the 'green light' issue
Malaki06-Mar-21 02:27 PM
What about Harry Potter's invisibility cloak?
randomhuman4406-Mar-21 02:27 PM
Do you think maybe we could make a limited amount of (non replicating) nanites or something that would sink it underground? And then repair the hole left behind?
Reply to: Do you think maybe we could make a limited amount of (non replicating) nanites or something that wouβ¦
randomhuman4406-Mar-21 02:29 PM
Can fusion matter be used to deconstruct rather than construct? The best hiding I can think of is to just make a whole new room under the basement for it with a hidden entrance or something.
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 02:30 PM
It cannot. You would need to construct something that could do that for you.
Reply to: Can fusion matter be used to deconstruct rather than construct? The best hiding I can think of is toβ¦
randomhuman4406-Mar-21 02:30 PM
Cause this terrafuser is huge, remember. DAnny going to notice if 3/4 of his basement is outright covered by a brick wall
if he ever goes down
Can fusion matter be used to deconstruct rather than construct? The best hiding I can think of is to just make a whole new room under the basement for it with a hidden entrance or something.
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 02:30 PM
given its got a corrosive effect, id assume it is possible though yeah - though itd probably be more like assimilation
Malaki06-Mar-21 02:30 PM
Need to do it without causing a cave in
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 02:31 PM
The dissolving matter would produce toxic fumes. Would that be acceptable?
to clarify
we need some sort of digger that won't make a ton of noise while digging
And also has some way of disposing of the waste dirt
no point to hiding it, if the sound of cataclysmic stone fracturing noises draws the whole neighborhood to Taylor's house
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 02:34 PM
...isnt there an aquifier under the city? cause we could substitute 'digger' with 'teleporter'
randomhuman4406-Mar-21 02:34 PM
I bet teleporter going to be expensive af
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 02:35 PM
Aquifers are just porous rock with water in it, aren't they? Not underground lakes or anything.
Malaki06-Mar-21 02:35 PM
Thats wat i was gunna say
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 02:35 PM
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 02:35 PM
Would the terrafuser still work if it was in a pocket dimension?
Malaki06-Mar-21 02:35 PM
Pretty much everywhere with a water table has an aquifer
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 02:36 PM
thats an idea(edited)
pocket dimensions are common enough as far as powers go
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 02:36 PM
Not unless it had several thousand tons of soil to anchor itself to.
Aquifers are just porous rock with water in it, aren't they? Not underground lakes or anything.
randomhuman4406-Mar-21 02:36 PM
Yeah they still cause problems though
since drilling into one is basically digging a basement sized groundwater well
Malaki06-Mar-21 02:37 PM
...who want's to open a porrtal to Hell?
Doom tech
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 02:37 PM
that's dumb as fuck, no
we are not opening a portal to hell.
nor any analogue.
randomhuman4406-Mar-21 02:37 PM
Probably possible to find waterproof materials to line the walls with that would normally be prohibitively expensive without magic BS powers
Malaki06-Mar-21 02:37 PM
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 02:37 PM
What about another Earth?
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 02:37 PM
...thats an diea
randomhuman4406-Mar-21 02:37 PM
Could work
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 02:38 PM
Except it would be very illegal.
randomhuman4406-Mar-21 02:38 PM
Assuming you actually have enough matter for it anyway
Malaki06-Mar-21 02:38 PM
Stupid law we dont need to follow
...oh wait, duh just make a nether portal
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 02:38 PM
we are not opening a portal to hell, malaki.
no technicalities
thats just asking for trouble.
Malaki06-Mar-21 02:39 PM
The Nether isnt even technically hell
Just really fuckin hot
Except it would be very illegal.
randomhuman4406-Mar-21 02:39 PM
you have a giant corrosive spewing planet takeover bio sac in your basement
the penalties for being found start at 'the rest of your life under a microscope by the government' and end at kill order
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 02:39 PM
its hell for minecraft. frankly the alternate earth idea is way better
Reply to: you have a giant corrosive spewing planet takeover bio sac in your basement
the penalties for being β¦
Malaki06-Mar-21 02:40 PM
...hmmmm wait, Aether portal?
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 02:40 PM
yall do recall that her effectiveness is directly tied to her mental state, yeah?
aether portal is an idea, except the aether has too many murderous animals
randomhuman4406-Mar-21 02:40 PM
oh yeah whoops
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 02:41 PM
Malaki06-Mar-21 02:41 PM
Less murderous animals than the nether
Not as bad as Austrailia
randomhuman4406-Mar-21 02:41 PM
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 02:41 PM
Is there anything that would just let me jump to an alternate Earth?
It's fine.
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 02:41 PM
can we make a fusion of a cape known as doormaker or professor haywire?
can provide wiki pages for em in a bit
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 02:42 PM
Yes. I have sufficient data on both of them.
Malaki06-Mar-21 02:42 PM
Wait...wat about that kid from Wakfu who could make portals
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 02:42 PM
doormaker/clairvoyant combo, then, that sounds like a good idea
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 02:42 PM
I'm not sure if I want to create a person.
I'm not sure if I want to create a person.
randomhuman4406-Mar-21 02:42 PM
we could just make a one off portal imitating the one that got created in the future on Bet maybe? A much smaller one, we don't need some huge monolith portal
Malaki06-Mar-21 02:43 PM
Yes. I have sufficient data on both of them.
randomhuman4406-Mar-21 02:43 PM
Oh, Fusion Drive knows about the forbidden knowledge
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 02:43 PM
I guess even a door-sized portal or something would be easier to hide than a giant bio-sac.
I'm not sure if I want to create a person.
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 02:43 PM
unfortunately, fusion matter is really good at making living beings - you'll probably need to come to terms with it at some point. doesn't have to be today, mind
On Nether, Aether, Mystcraft:
I feel like portals to worlds that don't even exist in the same cosmology as Taylor might be more expensive than portals to the places we know are basically next door, dimensionally speaking
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 02:46 PM
Malaki06-Mar-21 02:47 PM
Might be more expensive...but the distance means certain groups wont find it
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 02:47 PM
that does sound like an order of magnitude more expensive thing, and it could malfunction and lead to worse dimensions in the local cosmology anyways
taylor has 25 units of fusion matter to work with
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 02:47 PM
To clarify, the terrafuser will need two things to remain operational in another dimension:
- Several thousand tons of dirt, stone, or other matter to anchor in and draw resources from.
- Either an open portal or a connection node in Her Majesty's dimension.
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 02:47 PM
how big would a connection node have to be?
Malaki06-Mar-21 02:48 PM
(Hello forge)
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 02:48 PM
No larger than a basketball.
Pika06-Mar-21 02:48 PM
(They heard Minecraft being discussed and needed to get in on that)
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 02:48 PM
ok thats a lot more hideable than a terrafuser
and for future reference, question: how much fusion matter does it take to make a second terrafuser?
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 02:51 PM
The number of terrafusers is limited by Her Majesty's development. She will develop over time as she gains experience. Her current cap is 1. Terrafusers cost 5 fusion matter multiplied by the number of already active terrafusers.
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 02:51 PM
alright, good to know
so, general idea thus far is getting the terrafuser to an alternate earth, like earth gimel or something
randomhuman4406-Mar-21 02:52 PM
Does this mean that if the current terrafuser is destroyed, replacing it is free?
Reply to: Does this mean that if the current terrafuser is destroyed, replacing it is free?
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 02:53 PM
hm... actually, professor haywire tech could allow for a portal to gimel
any chance we could recreate that?
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 02:53 PM
Sufficient data exists on Professor Haywire's technology.
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 02:54 PM
how big would a device for a portal of sufficient size to fit a terrafuser be?
Malaki06-Mar-21 02:54 PM
Ttyl i to attend to
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 02:54 PM
Goodbye for now, then.
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 02:54 PM
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 02:55 PM
The suggested price is 10.0 fusion matter. Using less may result in instability. The device would be 1m^3, including the required generator.
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 02:56 PM
that sounds good to me
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 02:56 PM
Generating item [Haywire-tech Portal]...
Current stored fusion matter: 15.0 standard units.
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 02:57 PM
this is definitely one way to start off your heroing career, huh
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 02:58 PM
Oh. I'm going to be a hero now, aren't I?
I have powers. I'm a parahuman.
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 02:58 PM
just try not to be alexandria 2.0
she's kind of a hardass, you can be better than that
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 02:59 PM
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 03:00 PM
its really easy for some capes to fall into the trap of 'someone needs to make the hard decisions, it may as well be me'
which leads them closer to vigilantism, then villainy
its how you get your gavels, your shadow stalkers, and such
alexandria's very much the 'someone needs to make hard decisions' type, but she actually works with law enforcement, which...
well, thats not much of an option for you, for reasons obvious
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 03:01 PM
Of course I'm not going to be anything like Shadow Stalker!
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 03:02 PM
its just something you should remain vigilant about - its one thing to say that, its another to actually get thrown into the insane and violent political games capes play and not end up that way(edited)
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 03:03 PM
Limina Idling | Hours
well, thats not much of an option for you, for reasons obvious
randomhuman4406-Mar-21 03:03 PM
maybe play it as a shaker power that lets her summon/create items and such. As long as no one knows the true nature of her power she'd be fine.
I'm not sure how advisable such a course of action is, but it's certainly not impossible.
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 03:04 PM
The terrafuser spits out the item, so I'm not sure I could join the Wards with that, even if I wanted to.
The terrafuser spits out the item, so I'm not sure I could join the Wards with that, even if I wanted to.
randomhuman4406-Mar-21 03:05 PM
Haywire assembly next to Terrafuser that opens temporary portals to you, allowing it to drop the items to you.
Or similar.
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 03:06 PM
believe me, the full capabilities of your power are enough that i think hard-vetoing joining the wards is a good idea
Reply to: Haywire assembly next to Terrafuser that opens temporary portals to you, allowing it to drop the iteβ¦
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 03:06 PM
that is p smart, tho, ye
i also thought of a possibly more palatable way of easing you into this whole 'minion master' thing - we might be able to make some minions to convert raw materials into fusion matter on earth gimel
randomhuman4406-Mar-21 03:07 PM
I do think she would be quite restricted in the Wards, however, if she really wants to join she could.
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 03:07 PM
If I ever want to join a government hero group, it's going to be the Protectorate when I turn 18. Even then, I'm not exactly enthusiastic about it.
I'm just going to say that they fucked me over big time, and leave it at that.
randomhuman4406-Mar-21 03:08 PM
Oh, you found out about that already?
Wait, what's the date there?
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 03:10 PM
It's the 1st of February. Why?
randomhuman4406-Mar-21 03:11 PM
Just confirming that the timelines we know on this side don't quite match up
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 03:11 PM
punching clocks in the face to establish continuity
that is why
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 03:11 PM
Uh, sure.
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 03:11 PM
anyways, moving the terrafuser
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 03:12 PM
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 03:12 PM
De-anchoring the terrafuser.
Re-anchoring the terrafuser.
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 03:12 PM
air's really fresh there, huh?
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 03:13 PM
Created connection node.
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 03:13 PM
It is.
The stars are so bright!
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 03:13 PM
with enough time, you might be able to make housing over there, just straight up move off earth bet, if you wanted
no endbringers, no capitalist drama, but also no potentially saving the world from endbringers, if you try to build up enough
there's pros and cons to the idea
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 03:14 PM
It's more tempting than I'd like to admit.
But no, I want to make a difference.
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 03:15 PM
either way, earth gimel is an idea for a bugout base
it'll probably be some time before you're ready to actually start caping - a few months of buildup might make the difference
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 03:16 PM
I don't want to go out under-prepared.
So I need some sort of hero costume.
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 03:17 PM
id suggest 40k's tech, but if i recall rightly it requires implants for the armor
fallout's power armor might work in that regard
randomhuman4406-Mar-21 03:17 PM
How much fusion matter did the node use? If 10 is enough to make an interdimensional portal, I'm sure 1-3 is enough for a decent costume. Maybe more if you want actual good armor though.
weaver costume, comes with tinkertech jetpack and pro craftsmanship
randomhuman4406-Mar-21 03:19 PM
Mobility and defense.
Need some way to actually take people down though.
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 03:19 PM
i think we're getting ahead of ourselves, though - we should probably look into options for making more fusion matter
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 03:20 PM
Conversion of matter into fusion matter produces as much fusion matter as it takes to convert. In short, a net 0 increase in fusion matter. Data on more efficient conversion was lost.
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 03:21 PM
this seems like something that's worth researching and experimenting with
maybe some data from bakuda's explosives...
though, im not sure if she's a cape yet
randomhuman4406-Mar-21 03:22 PM
Use Phir Se to draw fusion matter from the future? Awfully energy inefficient I know, but might work?
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 03:23 PM
I feel like playing with time travel is just asking for a time paradox.
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 03:23 PM
probably yeah
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 03:23 PM
So, do I create the Weaver armor, then?
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 03:23 PM
...i say hold off
you'll be tempted to use it if you have it
we want to build up first, rather than rush in
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 03:24 PM
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 03:25 PM
i did think of a way to get you even more superpowers, though - null of the yangban, or othala from e88, you could make fusions of em
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 03:25 PM
Oh, that could work.
Is there anything from fiction that gives powers?
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 03:25 PM
oh plenty
randomhuman4406-Mar-21 03:25 PM
tons lol
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 03:26 PM
captain america serum, gamma rays, spider-man spider
...the spider man spider is a good idea actually. also, venom suit
randomhuman4406-Mar-21 03:26 PM
But it would probs be weakish powers if Weaver costume costs 5
Pika06-Mar-21 03:26 PM
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 03:26 PM
venom suit is naturally goopy, it'll fit with your aesthetic
randomhuman4406-Mar-21 03:26 PM
(also cauldron vials but let's not get into that)
I know it's not even remotely in our budget, but for scale, how much does this cost?
things that give powers
a team, for backup purposes
a base, for recovery and relaxation purposes
minions, for more disposable cannon-fodder-type backup
personal gear, defensive stuff like a proper costume
personal gear, offensive stuff like a baton and pepper spray
id say, as far as good costume options go, a venom symbiote is a good idea
it'll let you play off like you're a case 53, potentially have constructs that can act as body doubles in the future, significantly boost your natural capabilities, and is another head to help think about this stuff
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 03:40 PM
I don't know what a venom symbiote is, but that sounds promising.
venom symbiotes are not the kind of thing that makes someone think 'hero', it's true
HMS that image barely helps lol
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 03:43 PM
id imagine the bright green color from fusion matter might help
randomhuman4406-Mar-21 03:43 PM
I suppose
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 03:43 PM
the image was supposed to highlight that they can take a more traditional cape bodysuit look
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 03:44 PM
You want me to make that first, then?
Or should I start with something else?
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 03:46 PM
it lets you combine offense, defense, mobility, and minion in one package
itll also probably help you sync up better with other fusion constructs in the future, maybe psychically give orders and such
randomhuman4406-Mar-21 03:48 PM
Venom symbiotes won't be the most heroic looking, even if they're green or whatever color
They're biological organisms and their abilities reflect that. They look strangely fluid at best and disturbingly fleshy at worst.
I don't know how bad that would be. But if it's okay, it's probably worth it to get.
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 03:48 PM
to be fair, everything is gonna be made of fusion matter, so there's gonna be a reflection of that sort of aesthetic in everything taylor gets id imagine
randomhuman4406-Mar-21 03:49 PM
this is... probably true? Taylor was the portal maker green? and fleshy?(edited)
Note: Due to newer research that was not destroyed, fusions can mimic the appearance of flesh. Items created from fusion matter are fully transmuted from fusion matter into regular matter.
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 03:51 PM
No, the portal box looks like normal metal.
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 03:51 PM
oh dang
definitely new - id imagine whoever was ruling between fuse and taylor was responsible for that
lucky us
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 03:51 PM
For all the lost data, some was gained as well.
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 03:52 PM
good news, that
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 03:54 PM
So, what's the plan?
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 03:54 PM
symbiote, id say - we can customize color when it comes out
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 03:54 PM
Right. How much does it cost?
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 03:55 PM
A basic copy of Venom would cost 20.0FM.
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 03:56 PM
alright, so waiting a week or so.
little under a week
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 03:58 PM
Got it.
I guess I'll come back when a week has passed.
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 03:58 PM
take care
randomhuman4406-Mar-21 03:58 PM
Can fusions be upgraded after creation?
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 03:59 PM
As long as the thing it's based on would be able to be upgraded normally, yes.
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 03:59 PM
hm... idea for power source: jjba stands
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 04:00 PM
A stand arrow would cost 15.0FM. The high threshold for safe use reduces the cost from 25.0FM.
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 04:01 PM
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 04:01 PM
A stand disc would vary in cost depending on the stand, starting at 5.0FM for the unnamed boiling water stand.
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 04:02 PM
i take it asking for whitesnake or the world is a bad idea
well. star platinum or the world, whitesnake is more moderate
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 04:03 PM
How would it be a bad idea?
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 04:03 PM
cost, mostly - stopping time on such a massive scale seems like itd be expensive, if i had to guess, but i could be wrong
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 04:04 PM
A Star Platinum disc would cost 25.0FM.
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 04:04 PM
well i feel dumb lol
how much for weather report?
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 04:06 PM
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 04:06 PM
hmmm... hermit purple, and tusk act 1?(edited)
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 04:07 PM
Hermit Purple disc: 10.0FM. Holy Corpse's left arm: 20.0FM.
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 04:08 PM
right. so, since i know stands can be used simultaneously thanks to emporio, some goals for the future then
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 04:13 PM
Well, I need some goals for now, because I'm only at 17 fusion matter and Miss Militia is fighting Hookwolf outside my house.
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 04:13 PM
weaver costume, tinkertech taser
use haywire tech + jetpack to appear from a weird angle(edited)
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 04:15 PM
I can try that? But I don't know how much a taser is going to do against a metal blender-monster.
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 04:15 PM
tinkertech taser, and. well, hes literally made of metal, i feel like there's a type disadvantage there
would the hermit purple disc come with hamon?
cause thats magic sunlight electrical bullshit
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 04:17 PM
Not by default, but a setting can be enabled allowing the Hermit Purple disc with hamon knowledge to be produced for 10.0FM.
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 04:17 PM
is this on top of the original cost, or the flat-out price
Limina Idling | Hours
tinkertech taser, and. well, hes literally made of metal, i feel like there's a type disadvantage there
randomhuman4406-Mar-21 04:18 PM
actually, if the metal fully surrounded his core or weak point or whatever, it would be a type disadvantage as the electricity would flow through the metal instead of the core
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 04:18 PM
crap, point much for a c-moon stand disk?
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 04:18 PM
It's the flat-out price.
randomhuman4406-Mar-21 04:19 PM
What precisely are we aiming to do with Hookwolf here? Incapacitating and capturing is quite different from driving him away.
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 04:19 PM
Whitesnake disc: 25.0FM. Green Baby: 10.0FM. DIO's Journal: 0.5FM.
randomhuman4406-Mar-21 04:20 PM
Taylor's just listening to all these stand names and probably has no idea what you're talking about
like me lol
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 04:21 PM
im just running through stands i know of
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 04:21 PM
The fight is approaching my house. I want to at least avoid the collateral damage.
Reply to: How much does a single Bakuda time stop grenade cost
randomhuman4406-Mar-21 04:28 PM
did bakuda have any bombs that affected metal instead of flesh
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 04:29 PM
how much would a fusion hookwolf cost
randomhuman4406-Mar-21 04:30 PM
Alternatively, if the goal is just to avoid being collateral damage, perhaps some sort of SEP field or something?
Coming up blank on a good series to draw the data from though(edited)
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 04:30 PM
Hookwolf: 20.0FM.
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 04:30 PM
tenchi muyo tech? but like hell that'd be affordable
wait no. hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy basically invented that
Somebody Else's Problem Field | Hitchhikers | Fandom
how much for one of these that could cover a house?
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 04:31 PM
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 04:32 PM
I'm more worried about collateral damage than anything else. I'm not sure making an 'ignore me' field is going to help there.
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 04:33 PM
i don't think you can afford much that'd give you a clean advantage over hookwolf to the point you could justifiably value collateral over your own life and limb
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 04:33 PM
Malaki06-Mar-21 04:34 PM we gunna have a sitch like Russ' brother?
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 04:34 PM much for doormaker and clairvoyant?
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 04:34 PM
Worse comes to worse, I could hide on Earth Gimel until they're gone.
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 04:34 PM
30.0FM each.
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 04:34 PM
Awake06-Mar-21 04:35 PM
How much for a gravity gun?
It works on metal and things?
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 04:35 PM
gravity gun doesn't work on living beings
Awake06-Mar-21 04:35 PM
Hookwolf has a metal outside
randomhuman4406-Mar-21 04:35 PM
Hide in the basement and use FM to pay for house repairs, if any?
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 04:35 PM
so do the combine
Awake06-Mar-21 04:35 PM
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 04:37 PM
how much for an omega-1 nanite without any additional nanites
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 04:37 PM
And if people see the house being magically repaired?
The Omega-1 Nanite inside of Rex has a self-replicating program, meaning that Rex can create more and more active nanites if needed.[28] This function was seen to be operational when the Molecular Destabilizer was obliterating his active nanites.[36]
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 04:38 PM
Due to the ability to produce more nanites, 100.0FM.
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 04:38 PM
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 04:39 PM
Why is that so pricey? How good are these nanites?
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 04:39 PM
well, at normal efficiency, they could potentially let you try to solo an endbringer
Awake06-Mar-21 04:39 PM
They make monsters and things and let a dude form weapons from his arms from what I remember
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 04:39 PM
not succeed, try
im not sure about succeed(edited)
Malaki06-Mar-21 04:40 PM
The omega nanite is the most powerful nanite in existance
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 04:40 PM
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 04:40 PM
i thought that was the meta nanites
Malaki06-Mar-21 04:40 PM
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 04:40 PM much for minions from the Process?
Malaki06-Mar-21 04:41 PM
The metananites combined together can stand up to the omega nanite(edited)
Self-replication drives up the price significantly. 75.0FM.
Awake06-Mar-21 04:44 PM
So it can't self replicate then
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 04:44 PM
can we strip out self-replication capacity?
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 04:47 PM
Yes, but in this case, it's only because that could theoretically happen in the original work.
Creep (decontruction/recontruction capacity removed): 5.0FM. This cost is derived from the descriptor 'a pair of these, they often work in pairs, can wipe out a small house in an hour or two if sufficiently impelled'.
(I remember first seeing that thread. It had over 100 comments and the thread was locked, despite it being only hours old.)
(Environmental storytelling)
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 04:56 PM
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 04:56 PM
So, should I make a few of those?
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 04:56 PM
its the best idea ive got - miss militia may be able to take him down, then
it also doesnt blow through over half the stored fusion matter
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 04:58 PM
How many should I make?
I can make portals to Earth Gimel in a pretty decent radius around the house, so I can let them out that way.
Awake06-Mar-21 04:59 PM
They're not exactly aggressive but yeah eating metal ain't the best in modern earth
Maybe a handful, five or six?
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 05:00 PM
Five works for now.
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 05:01 PM
Created 5x Rust Monster. Current FM: 12.0.
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 05:02 PM
Oh, they're weirdly cute.
Malaki06-Mar-21 05:02 PM
Thats prolly cause they came from ur power
Cant have u thinking ur creations are scary
Awake06-Mar-21 05:05 PM
I mean if you feed them they're able to be pets I think
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 05:06 PM
they are your minions
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 05:08 PM
I guess I'd find them scarier if they were actually aggressive towards me.
Well, they don't really seem aggressive towards anything, actually.
I'll send them out around where Hookwolf is.
Okay, I sent them all out around Hookwolf with the orders to stay at a distance and rust him.
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 05:11 PM
I can hook your eyesight up to the chat if you desire.
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 05:11 PM
Will I be able to turn it off if I want to?
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 05:11 PM
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 05:11 PM
Good. Yes, then.
-Five insectoid creatures surround a lupine mass of blades, spears, and hooks.
-The mass begins to turn brown and shed powder. It snarls, lashing out at one of the rust monsters.
-The rust monster is able to avoid the blow, but Hookwolf turns on a dime and launches himself at another of the monsters, killing it on impact.
-Hookwolf turns to another of the rust monsters, ready to pounce, but he's pushed back by suppressive fire from Miss Militia.
-He's able to take off the forelegs of another rust monster, but Miss Militia blasts several of his protrusions into dust with a shotgun.
-The rust monsters are distracted by the rust that was blasted off, going in to feast. Hookwolf follows, but Miss Militia finally has the room to pull out something a bit more destructive.
-There's a shower of rusted steel, and Hookwolf collapses. The rust monsters joyfully rush over to their new meal.
Okay, I think Hookwolf is down.
I'm surprised it showed up as text and not video, or even just photos.
Malaki06-Mar-21 05:21 PM
Easier this way
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 05:22 PM
You can't send anything other than text across the connection.
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 05:22 PM
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 05:22 PM
prolly for the best
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 05:23 PM
So, what now?
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 05:23 PM
recall the rust ticks and go back to buildin up fusion matter i guess
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 05:23 PM
I can't shout orders at them without outing myself, and I don't have a mask.
I could just create portals under them, or use an improvised mask?
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 05:24 PM
Basic mask: 0.02FM.
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 05:24 PM
portals under em work
make sure to get the one that was downed too
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 05:24 PM
Basic costume: 0.5FM
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 05:24 PM
and the forelegs of the one that lost one
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 05:25 PM
I'll try to do that.
Okay, I was able to pull them all back to Earth Gimel, though some of the rust fell through as well.
Okay, a lot of the rust.
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 05:26 PM
they can probably take care of it
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 05:27 PM
Hookwolf dander.
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 05:27 PM
Yeah, I'll let the heroes take care of this one.
Should I keep watching from the window?
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 05:28 PM
maybe take a few pictures if you can, you'll look like a rubbernecker like that
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 05:28 PM
I'll see if I can find Mom's old camera.
Okay, got it.
...Wow, Hookwolf really got messed up.
randomhuman4406-Mar-21 05:29 PM
that was the goal so...
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 05:29 PM
I suppose the rust monsters were his perfect counter.
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 05:29 PM
really specific perfect counter
couldnt have asked for better on a budget
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 05:30 PM
Yeah, the rust monsters were really good value for money.
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 05:31 PM
looks like we're back to saving up for a symbiote though - hell, we're a lil further back then when we started. bleh
fucking hookwolf
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 05:32 PM
Fucking Hookwolf indeed.
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 05:33 PM
have you ever actually seen a cape before today?? ive been lead to believe that its supposed to be fairly rare for your normal civilian to bump into one
excluding fucking shadow stalker
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 05:33 PM
I've seen capes around before, but not in this part of town.
Did someone set this up somehow?
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 05:34 PM
i have another theory based on the nature of parahuman powers, but it gets into a lot of convoluted bullshit
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 05:35 PM
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 05:36 PM
this definitely reeks of setup tho
how much for an emergency teleporter to earth gimel?
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 05:36 PM
One-way Earth Gimel transporter: 2.0FM
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 05:37 PM
is it small enough to be discreetly carried?
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 05:37 PM
Without a close inspection, it's indistinguishable from a smartphone.
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 05:37 PM
ok, good enough
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 05:37 PM
Bigger units would cost less.
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 05:38 PM
this'll set us back even further on the symbiote, to like 10 days, but frankly i think you're gonna need it. also move the portal maker to gimel
so, power sources
im gonna take a bit to list out all the ones i can think of as far as personal powers go
Awake06-Mar-21 05:51 PM
Theres honestly lots of good things that can be used for powers, permanent and otherwise
As an example: radioactive spider
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 05:54 PM
If I move the portal-maker to Gimel, I won't be able to operate it from here.
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 05:55 PM
you need a remote portal manipulator
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 05:55 PM
Remote portal operator: 0.5FM
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 05:56 PM
that personal-sized?
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 05:56 PM
The size and design of a car fob.
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 05:56 PM
oh, excellent
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 05:57 PM
Which'll set me back another day.
Though, if I get one, I'll have a 0.5FM I'll be able to spend without worrying about setbacks.
Awake06-Mar-21 05:57 PM
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 05:59 PM
If I wanted to, I could spend the extra 0.5 on a basic costume and talk to Miss Militia.
...I'm not sure if I want to, though.
Awake06-Mar-21 05:59 PM
Maybe not
Just let it be ambiguous who did it seems the better option
At least until you're better set up
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 06:00 PM
Well, I think that's enough excitement for one day.
Awake06-Mar-21 06:01 PM
Should probably set up an early warning network in case any Cape fights are headed your way in the near future, later
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 06:02 PM
bioshock plasmids/vigors/tonics
jjba stands
cauldron vials
certain strains of Forced Evolutionary Virus, like whatever they used to make the synths in fallout 4 and whatever lead to psykers
keyblades from kingdom hearts
blacklight virus [prototype] - note, may result in cannibalistic urges
sensen [remember me] - for downloading combat styles
midichlorian injector
various color lantern power rings
garrick formula
new god motherbox
beast boy formula [may result in cosmetic mutations: green skin, green hair]
firestorm matrix
dr fate helmet
blue beetle scarab
radioactive spider [spider man]
symbiote [venom stuff]
spirit of vengeance/justice [ghost rider]
that was everything i could think of
Awake06-Mar-21 06:03 PM
Hmm, some of those are sentient and choose wielders, though given they're made of fusion material should work? Hopefully
There's also rings of power from LoTR that might be good, for personal use or for gaining influence
Malaki06-Mar-21 06:08 PM
Atmosphere from psyren when breathed in develops psychic powers
randomhuman4406-Mar-21 06:08 PM
Lord of the rings is on earth bet right? Maybe don't make the archetypal great enemy's rings when someone might recognize them.
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 06:09 PM
Yeah, a lot of these power-granting are probably going to be 'this won't work unless you're special'-type things.
Power granting things*
Malaki06-Mar-21 06:11 PM
Psyren atmosphere works on everyone it just takes a while for it to kick in
Pika06-Mar-21 06:11 PM
(Brb, dinner)
Malaki06-Mar-21 06:12 PM
randomhuman4406-Mar-21 06:12 PM
There's this thing which gives random powers.
No conflict drive, but unfortunately the powers are actually even more random than Earth Bet's. May include time travel, though that seems a pretty rare one. May also include the power to be a nuclear bomb, and things along that line of thought.
Genetic modification formula | Heroes Wiki | Fandom
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 06:15 PM
plasmids work on everyone and we may be able to pay a premium to stabilize em
jjba stands are very possible
cauldron vials work on anyone with chance of mutation
FEV is just a maybe in my books
sensens work for everyone
personas work for rebellious people who got crapped on by society but require metaverse navigation first which is probably expensive/unstable/risky
midichlorians might work
power rings are. a thing.
garrick formula works
new god motherbox just takes a while to turn you into a new god
firestorm matrix requires 2 people
dr fate helmet requires you be orderly
scarab works on anyone, can prolly get specifically blue beetle's
radioactive spider works on anyone seemingly
symbiote works on everyone
spirit of vengeance could work on anyone
Awake06-Mar-21 06:16 PM
FEV might make her a super mutant or someth else which wouldn't be the best prolly
Also midichlorians cant just be injected I think? Unsure
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 06:18 PM
like i said, the strain they used on synths in fallout 4
as for injecting midichlorians, theyre biological, so why not
randomhuman4406-Mar-21 06:23 PM
i dunno about that
if all you needed to do to become a jedi-tier potential was concentrate and inject midi-chlorians, I think people woulda done that
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 06:23 PM
came up with a few more things:
the axiom disruptor
digistruct tech from borderlands
standing stones from skyrim
that one glove from quantum conundrum
basically any artifact from risk of rain 1 or 2
i mean it probably takes training too, but jedi are very much an obscure thing for star wars
Awake06-Mar-21 06:24 PM
Midicorians dont cause the force from what I remember. They just happen to grow in force sensitive individuals
Malaki06-Mar-21 06:24 PM
Better off huffing Psyren air, which is guaranteed to give u psychic powers
and that's great and all
but if you could just inject midichlorians and be done with it, people would have done that
so there has to be some reason that some people have more midichlorians, whether they cause the Force or are a side effect.
Awake06-Mar-21 06:31 PM
Yeah, otherwise they could mass produce force sensitive
Malaki06-Mar-21 06:32 PM
Also wat if 1 midichlorian ends up costing 100FP
Awake06-Mar-21 06:32 PM
Also wat if 1 midichlorian ends up costing 100FP
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 06:32 PM
bad argument, since we can just ask
also: they did mass produce force sensitives before, in now non-canon things admittedly but cloning force sensitives is a thing that works perfectly well
force unleashed
Awake06-Mar-21 06:33 PM
Not making non-force sensitives sensitive
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 06:34 PM
also, imperial guards having force powers
the cloning thing feels like splitting hairs given they werent exactly together in the head, and personality is the only criteria i can think of that would apply to that if its not just midichlorians(edited)
it could just be a case of people are stupid or 'secretly the appendix gives you superpowers but you thought it was useless' or something, given how shrouded in mysticism jedi and sith are(edited)
randomhuman4406-Mar-21 06:36 PM
can we specify 'the kind of midichlorians that make you force sensitive when injected'?
Awake06-Mar-21 06:36 PM
Yeah. I dont think they know what gives force powers
Maybe? Idk
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 06:36 PM
as far as we know, midichlorians are the thing that facilitates it
Awake06-Mar-21 06:36 PM
Force powers also need the Force to be there though from what I remember
Malaki06-Mar-21 06:37 PM
Oh yeah
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 06:37 PM
Midi-chlorian was the scientific name[2] for a species of sentient and microscopic organisms that inhabited the cells of every life form.[1]
In addition to their connection with the Force, midi-chlorians lived in a symbiotic relationship with their organic hostsβa bond that was especially strong with Force-sensitive beings, who possessed a high quantity of midi-chlorians in their cells. This mutually advantageous relationship allowed the midi-chlorians to communicate the will of the Force to their Force-sensitive symbionts, who were capable of utilizing the powers of the Force through the midi-chlorians.[1]
Awake06-Mar-21 06:37 PM
Ah I see
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 06:38 PM
from what it sounds like they just kinda pick and choose who gets powers
Awake06-Mar-21 06:38 PM
We'd still need to bring the Force into existence though
Which might be Expensive
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 06:38 PM
might need to, yea
we'd have to ask
Malaki06-Mar-21 06:38 PM
Aight so again Psyren air get's u guaranteed psychic powers
Awake06-Mar-21 06:39 PM
And also leave the door open for other force sensitives to start cropping up in the future
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 06:39 PM
lets see if psyren air has drawbacks
...and i cant find shit on psyren air
Malaki06-Mar-21 06:39 PM
Psyren is a manga
Awake06-Mar-21 06:40 PM
I do have a question in case it was answered earlier: do things with drawbacks lower the cost?
Malaki06-Mar-21 06:40 PM
The air causes a mutation in the brain that gives u psychic powers a day after exposure
Minor symptoms of running a high fever for a little while and a nose bleed, but then you got psychic powers(edited)
Still gotta train said powers but they aint bad
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 06:45 PM
If you buy something that requires or interacts with The Force, it will be brought into existence for no cost.
Malaki06-Mar-21 06:45 PM
Well...mutation isnt the right word but it causes a change in the brain thus giving you psychic powers
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 06:46 PM
i guess energy is free?
Awake06-Mar-21 06:46 PM
Okay that's good to know about the cost
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 06:47 PM
Also, the body of a non-Force sensitive would reject midichlorians, similar to giving someone the wrong blood type in an injection.
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 06:47 PM
ah, hell
Awake06-Mar-21 06:47 PM
Doesnt mean we cant technically make a force sensitive right?
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 06:47 PM
theres probably methods to get around that, but we'd probably want an ethically unfucked bonesaw for that
Awake06-Mar-21 06:48 PM
Or Panacea
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 06:48 PM
or panacea, good poitn
Awake06-Mar-21 06:48 PM
Panacea would prolly be a much cleaner way
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 06:48 PM
Is giving shards access to midichlorians a good idea?
Malaki06-Mar-21 06:48 PM
Awake06-Mar-21 06:48 PM
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 06:48 PM
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 06:48 PM
absolutely fucking not lol
Awake06-Mar-21 06:48 PM
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 06:48 PM
Don't mind me.
Awake06-Mar-21 06:48 PM
The things that give capes powers
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 06:48 PM
thats what powers are actually called
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 06:48 PM
Oh, right.
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 06:49 PM
Powers are a very complicated topic.
Awake06-Mar-21 06:49 PM
Malaki06-Mar-21 06:49 PM
Hey who wants to get one of Dragon's 2 PHO accounts banned?
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 06:49 PM
dont be an ass malaki
dragon doesnt deserve that
Awake06-Mar-21 06:49 PM
Also, powers are good, but the fusion stuff also means effective minions like the rust monsters
Which we can also think about
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 06:49 PM
Awake06-Mar-21 06:50 PM
I.e terminators and shit like that
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 06:50 PM
if we really wanted, we could save up for the process and the transistor, thus being able to reshape terrain into fusion matter with time
Limina Idling | Hours
dragon doesnt deserve that
Malaki06-Mar-21 06:50 PM
It's not about deserving it it's about following forum rules!
Awake06-Mar-21 06:50 PM
I mean, the matter can definitely spread itself prolly but it wont be safe
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 06:50 PM
I'm not about to try and mess with Dragon!
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 06:50 PM
malaki, stop trolling
Malaki06-Mar-21 06:51 PM
She has a mod account!
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 06:51 PM
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 06:51 PM
yes, she does, and she probably earned it
Awake06-Mar-21 06:51 PM
I get the joke you're making
Malaki06-Mar-21 06:51 PM
This isnt trill, i am legit pissed about her getting away with having 2 accounts
Awake06-Mar-21 06:51 PM
Oh wait maybe not the joke you're making
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 06:51 PM
Even if I didn't get a lot more attention than I wanted for it, she's a hero. I'm not about to do that to her.
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 06:52 PM
dragon's one of the world's top heroes, and you're pissed about her breaking forum rules. to help keep the cesspool that is PHO under control
gtfo man lol
thats a bad joke
Awake06-Mar-21 06:52 PM
God that does give me an idea for useful stuff to make
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 06:52 PM
Besides, how would I be able to explain away how I knew that in the first place? Either to prove it or to defend myself afterwards.
...hey, you know a net good you could do, once you have the fusion matter for it?
bring back hero
Awake06-Mar-21 07:02 PM
That is a good point
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 07:03 PM
his specialty is almost literally 'the scion of tinkers'
Malaki06-Mar-21 07:04 PM
God my shit lagging like a im pkaying COD world at war multiplayer
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 07:05 PM
There's a lot of variation in 'book on magic from D&D'. You could get an empty spellbook for 1.0FM, then add spells for spell level*10.0FM. Cantrips would cost 5FM each. There's also no guarantee the user would know how to use the spells.
Reply to: would any of these options result in hell being created? cause im not sure we could live with that
Malaki06-Mar-21 07:10 PM
No that's literal devil dealin
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 07:10 PM
ok, good to know. still fairly ethically fucked, but not maximum ethical fuckage
Awake06-Mar-21 07:10 PM
It means making a deal with any powerful enough being
Not just demons
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 07:11 PM
Well, I'm down to 4.5FM. Do I just keep saving up for now? Or get something else?
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 07:11 PM
we should just save up for symbiote or something like that
Awake06-Mar-21 07:12 PM
That works
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 07:12 PM
'intro to magic' is probably not worth giving that up
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 07:12 PM
Right. If something else goes south, I always have the rust monsters and the getaway button.
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 07:13 PM
also, taylor, do me a favor and consider how to break this to your dad at some point? you're not gonna be able to keep this secret forever, so tackling it on your terms is probably for the best
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 07:13 PM
Malaki06-Mar-21 07:13 PM
...i'm sorry i feel that intro to magic from the gamer is worth it
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 07:13 PM
keep in mind, gamer power levels are fucking broken if you just look at the gamer
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 07:13 PM
Maybe after I get some protection, I can look into that.
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 07:13 PM
everyone else had to spend lifetimes getting to ridiculous levels of power, han jihan skipped all that
Awake06-Mar-21 07:13 PM
Honestly something like Dr Strange magic might be better
Plenty versatile
In terms of magic to potentially pursue
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 07:15 PM
There's probably a lot of things that are good to potentially pursue, I'll be honest.
Awake06-Mar-21 07:15 PM
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 07:15 PM
and youre just gonna keep hering about it(edited)
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 07:15 PM
Well, I'll leave for now and come back once I breach 20FM.
As long as nothing else happens in the meantime.
Awake06-Mar-21 07:16 PM
Stay safe
Malaki06-Mar-21 07:16 PM
Magic in the Gamer at least has insane room for growth
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 07:16 PM
no, the gamer has insane room for growth
it takes a while to get anywhere normally
remember taylor
have the terrafusers make toxic gas
Awake06-Mar-21 07:18 PM
Why make toxic gas??? In a residential area?
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 07:19 PM
reread - we put the terrafusers on earth gimel
Awake06-Mar-21 07:19 PM
Sorry I am not entirely up to date on everything that happened
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 07:20 PM
tis ok
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 07:22 PM
Yeah, I moved them out of the basement.
Ugh, I hate school.
Awake06-Mar-21 07:23 PM
Actually, thinkin on magic, Mistborn has one that literally just requires eating a bead of metal to get, although it's a lot more resource consuming
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 07:23 PM
entirely valid, school fuckin sucks
Awake06-Mar-21 07:23 PM
It does
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 07:23 PM
at least you have fun and versatile as fuck superpowers to keep your mind off things
like a high school eidolon lol
TaylorBOT06-Mar-21 07:24 PM
Mistborn? How much does that thing cost?
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 07:24 PM
Lerasium Bead: 25FM
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 07:24 PM
Awake06-Mar-21 07:24 PM
That's a good one
Lot of powers in one bead
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 07:25 PM
it is a good idea, yeah
how much does the service weapon from control cost
Awake06-Mar-21 07:25 PM
Also a good one
But shed have to survive the Interview
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 07:25 PM
she would, easily
shes just that kinda person
Awake06-Mar-21 07:25 PM
Very true
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 07:26 PM
its another good source of psychic powers
and a conceptual weapon to boot
Awake06-Mar-21 07:26 PM
We could probably get her the Launch altered item maybe
Telekinesis done fast
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 07:26 PM
in that its basically the concept of a weapon
Awake06-Mar-21 07:27 PM
However: that does bring the other realm into existence maybe
So more Altered items start existing on their own
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 07:27 PM
true. hell
though that could play the good kind of havoc with shards, maybe?
Awake06-Mar-21 07:27 PM
We really dont want a Slide Projector or Hiss incident
That's game over
Limina Idling | Hours06-Mar-21 07:28 PM
wasnt that 'from another dimension'?
the way dimensions work here is a little different
Fusion-DriveBOT06-Mar-21 07:28 PM
From a read of the wiki page, I'd price it at 10.0FD, assuming it's similar to Miss Militia's power.